We aim to provide the best possible outcomes for all children, regardless of ability or start point, ensuring that all pupils are prepared for their next steps, whether that be in education, training or employment.
The school now operates over two specialised sites providing high class educational opportunities for all. The Westbourne – Gateway site caters for those pupils who primarily are ‘upper’ school, whilst the Westbourne – Bridge site caters for those pupils of a lower age group
At Westbourne School, we pride ourselves on offering a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to meet the individual needs of each learner. By creating a blend of vocational and non-vocational learning opportunities, as well as an enriched curriculum of cultural and life-skills opportunities, we strive to ensure that each learner achieves success, regardless of what form it may take.
Westbourne School embraces the concept of equal opportunities for all and aims to provide an environment where all learners feel safe, valued and welcome, by adhering to a trauma-informed model of practice and following the Ask, Accept, Develop neurodiversity framework. We have a robust learner-voice model in place and endeavour to support learners to find their own way to communicate and overcome barriers they face.
As a school we understand that some of our students’ views of education may be negative and that the transition back into school life can create feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and fear. Through a holistic approach of high quality education, pastoral and therapeutic staff, including Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Psychotherapy, we aim to remove these barriers and support each child back into school where they can be happy, safe and eager learners once again.
This can only be achieved by the forging of strong working relationships between staff and students. By really getting to know each individual child, we can target our support and ensure progress both academically and socially.
To achieve these goals, success will look different for each individual child and through the use of personalised targets, we will celebrate every small step of progress made, whatever that may be.