About Us
At Westbourne School we believe that all our pupils have the right to access an ambitious and appropriately challenging curriculum, which connects them both to their own lived community and cultural experience but also widens their horizons to the wider world around them.
The majority of our pupils have a neurodivergent diagnosis (often of Autism and/or ADHD) and/or a Social, Emotional or Mental Health (SEMH) need. Some children or young people have experienced early childhood or ongoing trauma and as a result we operate a trauma-responsive environment with trained staffed throughout our school community.
We aim to provide each pupil with an educational pathway which is personalised to reflect the differing learning and developmental characteristics of each pupil, as well as being consistent with the overarching requirements of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Our core principals:
- Embed everything we do from the view of Unconditional Positive Regard for our learners (TIP framework), within our AAD (Ask, Accept, Develop) and Nurture
- Maintain a consistent focus on the overall purposes of the curriculum – we must all have a focus on why we do what we do and not just how.
- Focus on the core skills of Reading, Vocabulary, Numeracy and Oracy.
- Maintain a focus on the research and science behind what we are offering (embrace “learn what, learn how”)
- Challenge all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting expectations that are high but achievable for them.
- Create authentic contexts for learning that foster curiosity and engagement
- Support social and emotional development and positive relationships.